Source code for sample.hello

This is a basic hello world module to build greetings either in plain text or
html fragment.
from sample.exceptions import AppOperationError

[docs] class HelloBase: """ Basic hello world builder. Keyword Arguments: name (str): Define a custom name to greet if given. Attributes: name (str): Name to greet, default to ``world``. """ def __init__(self, *args, name=None, **kwargs): = name or "world"
[docs] def greet(self): """ Return the greeting text. Returns: str: Complete greeting text with name. """ return "Hello {}!".format(
[docs] def bye(self): """ Unimplemented method for demonstration and test purpose around application exceptions. Raises: AppOperationError: A sample exception. """ raise AppOperationError("I don't like to say goodbye.")
[docs] class HelloHTML(HelloBase): """ HTML hello world builder to surround greeting text with a HTML element. Keyword Arguments: container (str): Define a custom HTML element name to use for container if given. Attributes: container (str): HTML element name to use for container around text. Default to ``p`` for HTML paragraph. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.container = kwargs.pop("container", None) or "p" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def greet(self): """ Return the greeting text surrounded by HTML element container. Returns: str: Complete greeting text with name surrounded by container. """ text = super().greet() return "<{container}>{text}</{container}>".format( container=self.container, text=text, )